I thought it would be fun to document our day in pictures so that you know a little bit more about who I am. This isn't a typical day as we don't really have those around here, but it's the closest we come. We were at home all day since my husband had the car for the day. Enjoy this little glance
7:30 am Breakfast

8:00 am Kitchen Clean up and unloading of the my favorite kitchen appliance.

8:30 am Dressed

8:45 am Time for a Jog. This day I did 2.75 miles. I'm training for a 10 K, but honestly don't see how my body is going to do it.

9:30 am Dora, while I showered and got dressed.

10:00 am Threw dinner in the crockpot.

10:30 am Outside time. While my son is playing I usually can get a good quiet time in, I love the great outdoors.

11:30 am Picked some goods from our garden before we head in for lunch.

11:45 am Lunch time

12:20 pm Read books and had a blast trying to take a picture of ourselves. (We both laughed so hard.)

12:30 pm Nap time

12:30 pm Laundry

12:45 pm Blog, Email and Facebook Time.

3:00 pm Playtime

4:00 pm Outside again. It was too nice to stay inside. This day I pulled the weeds from the cracks in our patio. It looks great but I paid for it the next two days, I was a sneezy mess.
6:00 pm Dinner Time
7:00 pm bath, jammies, Bible & bed!
8:00 Kitchen clean up once again, yuck! Usually I do this while my hubby gets my son ready for bed, but he got home late this night.

8:30 Time to put my feet up and enjoy a nice bowl of watermelon and snuggle up next to my honey. I was tired this day. Most night I try to do at least 1 hour of sewing, while my husband works on his class stuff. (He's working on his Master's right now.) I seriously think I was asleep at 9:30 this day.

There you have it, I hope you've enjoy a peek into our lives .
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