Friday, April 24, 2009

Frugal Family Fun in the Garden

Hasn’t this weather been perfect for being outdoors? Our family has certainly enjoyed the extra outdoor time, in fact we have to drag our toddler inside these days. And when he is indoors his face is glued to the window, dreaming of all the rocks, sticks & dandelions he sees.

If you haven’t planted your garden yet it’s the prefect time, so go ahead start digging up that soil. If you haven't purchased your seeds yet Home Depot has a sale going on this week, 50% of seeds .

Since gardening is not only fun but frugal it's a great way to spend time together as a family. Have you considered letting your kids help with the garden this year? You can even designate a specific plot of land for their garden. They can be a part of the amazing experience of watching tiny seeds grow into something edible. It also might increase their veggie intake since they are eating their own veggies. Make sure your boundaries are clearly marked because if you are like me you don’t want little fingers digging around in your vegetable patch. (My poor oregano and basil bit the dust due to curious little fingers.)

If you don’t want your children to plant something in the garden, why not keep a little area tilled and add your own garden surprises, of if want less mess throw a bag of mulch down. Your kids can plant fake flowers. You can hide plastic bugs and if you’re feeling up to a mess give them a watering can filled with water. Don’t forget to grab a set to plastic garden tools the next time you are at the dollar store to make this experience even more fun.

For further science exploration let your kids use a magnifying glass to give them a closer look at what is in the garden (although make sure you're not using it in peak sun). You never know what insect you might find. This is a great way for everyone to enjoy working in the yard and you even get to do it together. So go ahead, what are you waiting for? This beautiful spring weather is calling your name.

Happy Gardening!

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