We had such a fun and relaxing weekend being around family and enjoying some time out on the water. Thankfully we even brought home a few leftovers, which we will add to our meals this week!
You'll want to check out my giveaway this week too. I am giving away an apron from my etsy shop, From Head 2 Toe. Entry in this giveaway is as simple as leaving me a comment. Go here to enter. The giveaway closes Sunday at 10:00 p.m.
Back to meal planning, here's what I came up in the car ride home today. Since I didn't have a computer or cookbooks it's very simple. I can't wait for a low key week in the kitchen.
Cold Cereal
Leftovers like always
Monday- Tamales (given to us by my parents), Chips & Homemade Salsa, Spanish Rice & Grapes
Tuesday-Spaghetti, Green Beans, Salad & Homemade French Bread
Wednesday- Doubling to bring to friends with a newborn BBQ meatballs, Cole slaw, tossed salad & Frosty Orange Cream Dessert
Thursday-Sour Cream Enchiladas (recipe to come), tomato wedges, side salad
Saturday-BBQ Pork Loin (marinating in Teriyaki sauce, then grilling), veggies & fruit
Sunday-Baked Potatoes with cheese and broccoli and a side salad
Stumped at what to fix, check out hundred's of menu plans over at The Happy Housewife.
Happy Menu Planning!
That frosty orange cream dessert sounds good!